



Permanent Cosmetic Artistry


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T A M A R A  & C O M P A N Y

The Makeup of Beauty Blog

Tamara manahan

Founder & Creative Director | Tamara & Company

est. 2017








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Tamara Manahan

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How to Choose Your Microblading Artist

So, you have decided to get your brows microbladed. Amazing! Now, how do you choose the microblading artist that is right for YOU?

There are lots of artists and studios out there, so make sure you make the choice that you feel totally comfortable and confident with. Remember, microblading is literally a tattoo… on your face. Choosing your artist carefully is (almost!) the most important step in the whole process!


Is your microblading artist trained? Many artists say they have completed training… but these courses are not all created equal! 

There are courses out there that promise to teach someone how to microblade brows in a few days. I’m just sayin’…. but microblading takes MUCH longer than a few days to know how to do it correctly, safely, and in a high-quality manner.

Always ask your artists what certifications they hold, where they got them, how long their course was, and if they are currently learning new skills. If your artist does not know or tells you that they learned in a weekend… find. someone. else. 

Your artist should be certified by a reputable, professional organization. Mine is through PhiBrows. The courses they took should be extensive and thorough. Personally, I have completed hundreds of hours of training over the past few years, including my most recent course in removals.

Insured & Protected

Always, ALWAYS ask if your artist is insured! Believe it or not, some do not have any form of insurance at ALL!

This means if something goes wrong during your microblading experience, you will have no recourse to help you. This is both dangerous and irresponsible of an artist to do, but it, sadly, does happen.

Along with that, be sure your artist requires you to sign waivers, takes your medical history, and is invested in making sure microblading is a good fit for you. 

They should ask ALL the questions, provide you with a consultation, and written instructions for before and aftercare. Be sure to ASK about all of these prior to agreeing to have your brows done by them.

You should also visit the studio prior to your visit. Make sure it’s clean, you feel safe, and even ask to see the tools they will be using. There should be gloves, disinfectant, and single-use supplies available for you to see.


Your artist should have plenty of high-quality testimonials from past clients for you to see. Make sure they show you before, after, AND healed results. 

I’ll tell you a little secret… most microblading looks incredible when it is freshly done. The REAL story comes out 6 weeks later once the brows are healed! If you cannot see healed work on their past clients, that is a red flag. It might be that the artist isn’t experienced enough to know that they should be taking pictures of healed results. Or, it could mean that they use poor techniques and the healed results are not good.

In addition to photo testimonials, be sure to check their social media profiles, Google reviews, website, and the Better Business Bureau to be sure they are reputable and do not have poor reviews that they are hiding. 

If you know someone who has had their brows done there, ASK them for their experience! Referrals are a great way to get the real story behind the business!

There are lots of professional, highly-trained microblading artists out there! Avoid the bad ones and only trust the most reputable people with your beautiful face!

As someone who has trained extensively in microblading and other permanent makeup techniques, I see this, unfortunately, all the time. My goal is to inform and protect you so that you choose the BEST microblading artist for YOU!

If you have questions about microblading, the process, or if microblading is right for you, I offer FREE consultations! Why not book one today? Click to book now!

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