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The Makeup of Beauty Blog

Tamara manahan

Founder & Creative Director | Tamara & Company

est. 2017








A blog about everyday life, pursuing purpose in business, living loved, and encouragement and inspiration for living a faith filled life.

Tamara Manahan

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5 Free Wellness Resources You Will Love

As the seasons change and we start experiencing increased illness, having the right wellness resources help us care for ourselves well! I know wellness is VITAL as a busy entrepreneur, wife, and mom trying to do all.the.things. Taking care of YOU is not selfish… it is necessary!

Here is a list I put together of some amazing, free wellness resources, which I hope will help you take care of your health and prioritize self-care!

  1. Wellness Mama Podcast

Katie at Wellness Mama offers a TON of valuable resources on her blog. From checklists and free remedy guides to recipes for DIY wellness products, Katie covers it all.

If you prefer to learn while listening, she also has an AMAZING podcast! Give it a listen!

  1. MindBodyGreen

This fantastic blog features holistic wellness resources, which discuss how stress and mental health can really affect our day-to-day wellness. 

They also offer a daily newsletter with various wellness tips delivered straight to your inbox! Easy, peasy!

  1. Prevention Magazine

A more mainstream resource, Prevention Magazine covers all aspects of wellness, including fitness, beauty products, health advice, and more, and one of my favorite sections of their site is their Gift Ideas lists! Maybe not technically wellness, but those lists save me SO much time trying to figure out what to buy… stress relief = wellness to me! One of the fun ways to give gifts, is send unexpected ones to someone you love… wellness for two!!

  1. The Wellness Coalition

Oh. My. Goodness. This site is FULL of incredibly helpful resources, including: videos, downloads, articles, and more.

On their site, there is an entire section of FREE, healthy cookbooks that you can download, and I promise you that eating healthy is a definite key to wellness! This is an amazing resource and I highly recommend you check it out.

  1. Yoga with Adrienne

This amazing YouTube channel (with almost 6 million subscribers!) is a fantastic, free resource for calming, relaxing yoga videos, and I can attest firsthand to the benefits of yoga, which go far beyond just physical benefits! 

Adrienne is a great teacher and her cute puppy accompanies her in all her yoga videos (and if that isn’t uplifting, I don’t know what is!!). Yoga is a GREAT way to relax and unwind each day (and puppies make everyone happy!!), so definitely check out her amazing resources.

Why does self-care matter?

As a busy entrepreneur, wife, and mom trying to do all.the.things. prioritizing my self-care is a MUST. If I want to be able to do my best in all areas of my life, I’ve got to keep my own ‘love cup’ full or I’ll have nothing to pour out to those I love most, and my work will also suffer. Burnout is a real thing, ya’ know?!

Prioritizing your self-care fuels your positive inner vibe and boosts your confidence and self-esteem, and when we feel confident we have more energy. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ll take all the energy boosting I can get!

My word for 2019 was ‘balance’ and I believe choosing YOU has a lot to do with maintaining healthy balance in your life! After moving at a neck breaking pace for the first two years of Tamara & Company, I knew I needed to prioritize my own self-care. In fact, I did a whole blog post on ‘Learning the Art of Balance’. You can read that here.

In the meantime, I want to encourage you to STOP putting off making YOU a priority. Start scheduling time and make wellness part of your weekly routine. You’ll be surprised at how AMAZING it feels!!

What are your favorite wellness resources? What have you found to be helpful for your own self-care and prioritizing your health? Let me know in the comments below!

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