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T A M A R A  & C O M P A N Y

The Makeup of Beauty Blog

Tamara manahan

Founder & Creative Director | Tamara & Company

est. 2017








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Tamara Manahan

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How to Choose Makeup Colors That Perfectly Complement You

We’ve ALL been there… you buy this amazing looking makeup only to put it on and then it all looks so strange on your face! It’s so frustrating to spend money on makeup for it to just not work for you. Choosing makeup colors that perfectly complement you AND your skin tone is absolutely essential to avoid wasting time and money on products that just won’t work for you!

So, here are my top tips to make sure that you pick the PERFECT colors to match your beautiful self!

  1. Determine Your Skin Tone

This is so important when choosing a foundation, concealer, or powder! And, it’s SUPER easy to do. Look at the underside of your wrist. If your veins appear blueish, you have a cool skin tone. If they are greenish, you’re more of a warm tone. Hard to tell? You’re neutral!

Choose a foundation that states on the label that it’s for your specific undertone.

  1. Choose Self-Matching Options

Many brands developed self-matching formulas that take so much guesswork out of choosing makeup! These amazing products will blend in so smoothly to your skin, flattering your look even if the shade isn’t totally perfect.

  1. Eyeshadow Color Wheel

When looking for eyeshadow, consider trying colors opposite your eye color on a color wheel. If you’ve got blue eyes, try brown or bronze shades. Green eyes? Go for pinks or rust colors. Brown-eyed girls could rock greens or purples. Head here for a few additional ‘Eye Popping Beauty Tips You Should Try’!

This is a great gallery to show which colors work based on your eyes.

  1. Pick the Perfect Lip Color

In general, you’ll choose your lip color to complement your skin tone. Lighter, fairer, cooler skin tones look best in cooler, muted pinks. Have dark skin? Pull out the deep reds or purples!

But, this makeup choice is a bit more fun… break the rules a little bit! If you want to go bold, do it! If you prefer light, subtle shades, try those too. 

  1. Tie it Together with Nails

Want to look perfectly pulled together? Match your nail and eyeshadow color! Or, pull in various complementary shades from your eyes, lips, and nails. You can even use nail art to create a cohesive, coordinated look!

Nails are another area where it’s easy to have fun! There are so many colors and styles that look perfect, no matter what your skin tone is.


Are you thinking about fall and changing up your look as the seasons change too?! What colors do you think you’ll try? Are you a bold, daring person or like more subtle shades? Whatever the case may be, I sure hope this helps you choose makeup colors that complement YOU!! Drop a comment with your favorite color (and where I can find it!!).

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