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T A M A R A  & C O M P A N Y

The Makeup of Beauty Blog

Tamara manahan

Founder & Creative Director | Tamara & Company

est. 2017








A blog about everyday life, pursuing purpose in business, living loved, and encouragement and inspiration for living a faith filled life.

Tamara Manahan

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Why Your Tribe Matters

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. -Proverbs 27:9 Throughout our lives, people come and people go but those who choose to show up and take life’s journey with you, that’s your tribe. In today’s business world, loving your tribe matters and it should, but I believe it’s so much bigger than building your tribe just […]

Crafting a Captivating Instagram Bio: 6 Simple Steps (+FREE Worksheet)

Want to grab the attention of those who land on your Instagram page? Well then, you better have a captivating bio. With over one billion monthly active users on Instagram, it’s imperative that you make sure you craft a profile that stops people in their tracks. And whatever you do, make sure it quickly tells […]

Microblading: The Real Truth

I get it ladies, we all have our reflection hang-ups. You know, those things we notice when we look in the mirror that we wish we didn’t see…our wrinkles, dark under eye circles (this is my bad self-talk), breakouts, and eyebrows that drive us mad. Or lack thereof. You see, the real truth is some […]

What Is Branding? Branding is one of the most powerful ways you can set yourself apart from your competition. And one simple way to acquire your ideal clients easier, increase your company value and build trust with your audience. In this article, I’ll explain more about the benefits of branding but first I thought it […]

Why a blog?

About eight months into my new business journey I began thinking about starting a blog. It was one of those thoughts that are really just more of a dream. You know, the ones that pop into your head that you get super excited about but know you aren’t ready for. It wasn’t just a random thought though.