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T A M A R A  & C O M P A N Y

The Makeup of Beauty Blog

Tamara manahan

Founder & Creative Director | Tamara & Company

est. 2017








A blog about everyday life, pursuing purpose in business, living loved, and encouragement and inspiration for living a faith filled life.

Tamara Manahan

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5 Renewing Habits to Try This Spring

Evaluating each habit in my life as winter fades to spring brings so much peace. Spring is such a beautiful time of the year! Aside from summer, it’s my favorite season (even if that’s because I know summer is close by!). Everything seems fresh, new, rejuvenating, and the change helps me shake off any winter blues.  For me, spring is all about reflection, and I’ve found that it’s the perfect time to practice more mindfulness in my day-to-day routine.

Here are five renewing habits I find helpful to stay balanced and refreshed:

1. Bullet journaling

This habit is excellent for productivity and organization! It helps me reflect on what I have accomplished, no matter how small, and I’m a big believer in celebrating small victories! Let’s face it, some days it feels like you’re working so hard… and somehow NOTHING gets done! In reality, yes, you DID get stuff done! Celebrate even the smallest achievements and record them. It’ll help you keep on keepin’ on!

Trying to spend your time more mindfully is also very satisfying. Instead of wasting time on social media or creating endless lists (guilty!!!), I can figure out what the most important things I need to do are. It also helps me see what I can delegate to my team, which is important for me since I have a million things happening as a business owner!

Planning out my day helps me feel more in control and productive! This habit also allows me to relax (guilt-free!!) when I know that everything is checked off! Spring is the perfect time to reflect on your productivity and get more done as days get longer.

2. Planning my day in advance

To go along with journaling, I have found that planning out what exactly I need to get done BEFORE the day starts super helpful. Waking up to a chaotic, unplanned day is just a recipe for disaster (for me!). Figuring out how to block off time for client appointments, working on my business, and time for my family makes me SO much more productive.

Maybe you’re more of a “fly by the seat of your pants” kinda gal. That’s ok!! Plan what you can and do what makes sense for you to feel more in control. Even if it’s just thinking through what all you have going on that day, it’ll help! I promise. 🙂

3. Taking breaks while I work

Oh, girl… it’s so, SO easy to get 100% into work mode and get lost in a project or trying to solve a problem. I get that, and it happens to me ALL.THE.TIME.

But, it is super important to take a break, close that laptop, turn off the phone (I know, I know!), and relax.

Take 5 minutes an hour (that’s doable, right?!) and take a BREAK. Drink some water, focus on something fun, stretch, and let your mind relax. When you refocus on work, you will find yourself much more relaxed and ready to be productive. I’ve even started setting the alarm on my phone as a reminder because…getting lost in a project or trying to solve a problem (remember!).

I recently experienced a ton of neck/shoulder pain and know it is from looking at and working long hours at my computer so much lately! If this happens to you too, try the 20-20-20 rule. Look at something 20 feet away, for 20 seconds, every 20 minutes you work. Doing this helps!

4. Evaluating all my commitments

Listen, we all can easily become overcommitted. Work, family events, church or other social groups, volunteer opportunities… the list can be endless! I hear ya… I’m a mom to 5 kiddos, own a business, and like to relax and have fun with my husband. There’s just not enough time!

Every time the seasons change, reevaluate all that you have going on in your life. Obviously, you can’t get rid of your family… 😉 But, I bet there are a few things or habits that are TOO MUCH.  Maybe consider either giving it up or even just changing how often you attend or participate! Sometimes saying ‘no’ or ‘not right now’ is necessary to maintain balance.

Allow yourself to embrace everything that brings you joy and allows you to serve other people well. And, you know what… anything that doesn’t… might not be worth your time. Your time is valuable and it’s a nonrenewable resource!

5. Practicing gratitude daily

So, I am a grateful person and very aware of the blessings in my life! Everything about my business just was a blessing straight from God. He has gone before me, so I overflow with gratitude every day that I’m here!

Thinking through all of these blessings puts the hard days into perspective for me. Seeing all the beautiful parts of my life helps me to focus on that and not dwell on the stressors or problems I do experience (here’s looking at you, technology!!)

A fun way to look back or reflect is to create a gratitude journal! Journaling is a super fun, practical way to keep a record of everything you are grateful for! During hard times, it helps to read through it and remember all your blessings! I absolutely love doing this, and it’s been a really valuable tool for me!

I hope these tips have been encouraging and valuable to you! As spring approaches, maybe try even one of these ideas to embrace all the beauty and renewing changes happening all around us. Do you have other ideas or practices that help you be more mindful and reflective? Please feel free to leave a comment below!


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