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T A M A R A  & C O M P A N Y

The Makeup of Beauty Blog

Tamara manahan

Founder & Creative Director | Tamara & Company

est. 2017








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Tamara Manahan

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5 Easy Skin Care Tips Anyone Can Use

Skin care is so important to looking AND feeling younger! But, it’s hard to do well… hello, we are ALL busy people! I know you’ve got tons going on in your life and it’s just plain hard to find time to invest in your skin care. I also know no one wants to deal with wrinkles, dark circles, or dryness, so here are five easy skin care tips you should try. Take the time and really invest in giving your skin (and body!) the care it truly deserves.

Easy Skin Care Tips

Coffee Scrub

Especially in dry weather, our skin can easily become flaky or dull. I’m telling you, dry weather wreaks havoc on my skin! Masks really, really help to exfoliate and hydrate your skin, and believe or not coffee is good for more than kick starting your body!!

Coffee is a GREAT secret ingredient to add to masks to make your skin glow. It is rich with antioxidants and the caffeine can help stimulate blood flow for a youthful look.

Try this recipe:
3 TBSP coffee grounds
1 TBSP sugar
2-4 tsp oil of choice

Simply scrub and rinse! Yes, it’s THAT easy!

LED Tweezers

Need to pluck those stray hairs? Even if you’ve had your brows microbladed, pesky strays can creep up on you. Try a set of LED tweezers; especially helpful if you’re part of the 50+fab club like me 😉

This handy tool really upgrades the plucking experience. The bright, precise light helps prevent you from overplucking those precious brows while making sure you get all those pesky fine hairs that are easy to miss with regular tweezers. Also makes it easier to isolate those beautiful shiny grays 😉

No one really likes plucking, I know, but it’s necessary to keep those brows looking picture-perfect! If you have to pluck, you might as well have tweezers that are fun to use, right?

Apple Cider Vinegar Hair Rinse

Did you know that hair products cause gross buildup in your hair?! Yuck!! I’m all about finding great natural solutions, but I do loooove my hair products! If I’m being totally honest here… natural ones just don’t do it for me.

But, I don’t want gross buildup in my hair either. So, what’s a girl to do?! Use apple cider vinegar! I use it as a rinse to get rid of any build up and give my hair some nice shine. Cheap, easy solution for amazingly shiny hair! Yaaasss!

Brightening Skin Mask

Ever heard of matcha? This amazing green tea powder has a TON of antioxidants which are really great for your skin. Mix matcha with lemon juice and yogurt for a refreshing, brightening mask!

Try this recipe:
¼ cup plain yogurt
1 TBSP matcha powder
1 TBSP lemon juice

Mix and apply like a mask, then rinse.

Water Infuser

I think we ALL know how important good hydration is for our skin, right?! But, how many of us actually drink enough water! I know I for sure don’t! Between running around like a crazy lady and working on clients, I just totally forget to drink water. Plus, most people find plain water kinda boring, so why not jazz it up! If it tastes good, you’ll want to drink it!

Using a water infuser pitcher or water bottle is a really easy way to make your water super yummy! Pop some fruit or herbs in your infuser, then enjoy refreshing flavored water. Hint: if you use fresh herbs, slightly crush them with a spoon or rolling pin before putting them in your water to allow the oils to better infuse!

These are some of my fave flavor combos:
Lime + Mint
Berry + Rosemary
Orange + Lemon

Enjoy hydrating with some yummy water and reap the benefits of better hydration!

Get Some Sleep

Ok, so this tip is maybe a bit obvious, but really… sleep is SO important!! It’s easy to want to do all the things or stay up late watching your favorite shows (looking at you, Netflix!). But, prioritizing sleep is one of the BEST things you can do for your skin and body.

Your body repairs itself while sleeping! We all know if we get a bad night of sleep… hello dark circles! Getting good sleep helps you look AND feel younger, better, and more ready to face the day!

Make it a priority to sleep and your skin will thank you!

So, tell me, what are your favorite skin care tips on this list? Anything pop out at you that you’ll try first? Let me know in the comments below!


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